Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thinking about big bucks

The past few years on our farm have been lean. Poor mast crops brought on by an ice storm, late frost, and drought have left us wondering where the deer have gone. Couple this with the fact that we faced a serious blue tongue outbreak in 2008 and are not sure if the local herd has recovered. Years ago, it was a common sight to see at least one or two great bucks hanging in the barn. Recently, antlers have been few and one can only hope for a turn around this year.

Reports across the state indicate a great mast crop this fall and our white oaks certainly follow this trend. This fact alone may be enough to keep my sights off of the first mature doe that runs down the trail - at least for this first week.

With that, here are a few of the better bucks harvested at the farm. No record breakers, but nice nonetheless.

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